
Tuesday, 21 February 2017


On Wednesday after lunch Ruapotaka School had Tabloids. There were four houses and the names of the houses were Kikorangi, Kakariki, Kowhai and Whero. My house team was Kowhai. Kowhai means yellow in Maori. We lined up in our houses to get ready for the sport events. My favourite sport was soccer because that's the only sport I know how to play.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

2017 Assembly

After the Waitangi weekend we had an assembly on Tuesday. Room 12 had to host an assembly. We did a dance competition for the assembly and me and Lupe had to go around the senior block to get two dancers from the classes. When we finished we went back to Room 12 and put the dancers name into a document. Vaimoana chose two songs called 'Be Happy' and 'Lean On Me'.